How it works

See how to digitally sign a pdf, click on the video below.

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eSignature Software


Use eSignature to automate and optimize the following important aspects your business

Boosting Green Business
eSignature boosts the potential of Businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable approach as with eSignature Businesses
Reduce Costs
With the implementation of eSignature, tangible costs can be saved, as the traditional paper document flow involves paper, printing
Faster & timely Decision implementation
As businesses expand, volume of documents that are to be signed and approved by multiple stakeholders increase
Improves Customer Experience
With the implementation and adaptation of eSignature, customers will be more pleased as it saves time making the whole signing process efficient

Our Best Price Plan


₹ 4,999/Yr

Buy Now
  • Per single user
  • Billed annually
  • Limit: 360 signatures per year


₹ 7,500/Yr

Buy Now
  • Per Single User
  • Billed annually
  • Unlimited signatures per year


₹ 50,000/Yr

Buy Now
  • Per 5 Users
  • Billed annually
  • For more than five (5) users, write to us at


Call for more info:

All the enterprise plus further enhancements:

  • API
  • Document Signer
  • Digital Sign
  • CLM

Schedule a one-on-one demo now

See firsthand how CryptoESIGN can help you create, review, send, and receive eSignatures within seconds


  • What is CryptoESIGN?

    CryptoESIGN is a cloud based eSignature software from Sathguru, with intuitive user interface for electronically signing documents in a secured and anytime-anywhere access way.
  • How do I sign up to CryptoESIGN eSignature?

    Sign up to a free trial, satisfy that it meets your needs and then you can convert it into one of the best plan that meets your needs.
  • Where is CryptoESIGN eSignature’s data located and processed?

    CryptoESIGN eSignature is hosted in one of the premier cloud service provider with requisite network, access and database security
  • Who uses CryptoESIGN eSignature?

    Customers range from Corporates, MNC’s, and Financial Service Companies to Small and Medium Sized Enterprises from across all the industries can use Crypto eSignature.
  • Does CryptoESIGN eSignature has audit trails?

    Yes, CryptoESIGN eSignature is enabled with built-in audit trails.
  • Is CryptoESIGN eSignature encrypted?

    Yes, CryptoESIGN eSignature uses 256-bit SSL encryption, along with the SSL configuration.
  • How is CryptoESIGN eSignature priced?

    Sathguru’s CryptoESIGN eSignature comes with different plans and one can choose the plan that best meets their needs or change plans as per terms and conditions clearly laid out in this website.
  • How does eSignatures work?

    A eSignature is the best alternative solution to traditional way of physically signing the documents on the move with time as essence and gaining supply chain efficiency in turnaround of documents between signing parties.
eSignature Software

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